Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come
so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly." (John 10:10)
God loves you and wants you to live a long, healthy, peaceful,
productive, abundant life.  He has a plan and purpose for your life and
He has a way for you to reach your destiny with Him.
Are you struggling?
Maybe things are not going well for you now.  It might be physical sickness, emotional strain
or a spiritual attack.  Perhaps you just feel lost and hopeless and don't know where to turn.  
There are people and ministries available to help put you back on track towards living the
abundant life that God has planned for you.

Are you looking for an opportunity to serve God and bless people?
If you have a ministry or simply a desire in your heart to help other people with the gifts and
abilities that God has given you, please let us know.  We may be able to help you connect
with like minded believers or to the people you would like to serve

Please click on the menu buttons on the left side to learn more about ministries
that God is using to help people live the abundant life that Jesus provided for us.
Bringing Christians and ministries together, reaching out to the world.